Buy Shares by Bank Transfer

There has been lots of positive interest in the progress in the Community Shop Share Offer since the Open Meeting at the Parish Hall a few weeks ago, and many local residents have already made their applications to buy Shares.

The registration of the Community Shop as a Community Benefit Society (CBS) has now been completed, and this means that we can now confirm the bank account details and offer the option of a bank transfer for anyone who wants to purchase shares and become a member.

See the Downloads page for links to the share offer full prospectus and application form, which now include bank details.

Don’t forget – the Share Offer closes at midnight on Tuesday 3 December!

Share Offer Now Open

St Dominick Community Shop Limited is now officially registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a Community Benefit Society (Registration Number: 8227). 

The share scheme is now open from Wednesday 23rd October 2019 to Midnight Tuesday 3rd Decemebr 2019.

See the Downloads page for links to the share offer full prospectus and application form

Planning Applied For

Planning Permission for the Community Shop on the Parish Hall site has now been submitted. This includes detailed plans for the selected spot in the current car park area for the shop and how we will convert the ‘porta-cabin’ building into a usable and practical shop.

The Planning Application process will take around two months and so this means we can expect to hear on this by the end of November.

Funding from St Dominick Parish Council

At its meeting on Wednesday 4th September, the St Dominick Parish Council Resolved to award a total of £3,000 to the Community Shop.  “The Chair opened the discussion, referring to the Business Plan and supporting documentation circulated by the Clerk prior to the meeting.  It was RESOLVED to award a total of £3000 to the Community Shop as a one off payment, £1500 from the budget for grants and £1500 as a gift from Parish Council funds.  An immediate payment of £750 will be made and the balance will be paid when the container is delivered, there will be no restrictions on how the money is spent and no repayment is expected.”

Howton Solar Farm Fund

Some great News!

We are pleased to announce that St Dominick Community Shop Steering Group has been awarded a total of £5,000 from the Howton Solar Farm Fund.

The arrangement on offer will allow us to draw £500 immediately to assist with costs of planning, and once planning permission is received, the group will be able to claim the remaining £4,500 towards further expenditure.

Community Shop Update

The newly formed Community Shop Steering Group has been busy over the summer exploring the possibilities and options for a Community Shop in the village. Based on the questionnaire results, we now know that the most favoured location for the Community shop is the Parish Hall. We have identified a potential container unit for the shop building and we have also met with the Parish Hall Committee to talk about eactly where and how a Community shop could be established.

An adviser from The Plunkett Foundation, the charity organisation who help communities to set up their community shops, attended one of our meetings and needless to say there is a lot of detail to take into account as we develop a firm Business plan and this includes looking carefully at the various set up work and costs required.

We have also identified a number of Funds that we can apply to for finances and have started to submit applications, as well as talking to the Parish Council about the possibility of a financial contribution as the plans become clearer.

The Steering Group is meeting every few weeks to keep the momentum going with the plans and we anticipate having some further news and update to share with the Village in the early Autumn on the outcome of our work, at which stage we will also be following up on the financial pledges given from the community in the questionnaires.