Being a Community Benefit Society 

The Shop operates as a Community Benefit Society (CBS) which is a separate and distinct entity to a company registered at Companies House or a charity regulated by the Charity Commission.  A CBS exists to carry out business on behalf of the community it serves.  The Shop trades solely for the benefit of the community and not for anyone’s private benefit.  Any profits that are made are for investing in the community. 

St Dominick Community Shop Limited (registered number 8227) is registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014.

Shop Donations & Sponsorship in 2023

  • Donated 10p for each pasty sold during St Piran’s and raised £9.70 for Cornwall Food Action
  • Supported St Dominic school with their fundraising event by sponsoring a £15 raffle prize
  • Donated a £10 Shop Gift Voucher to the St Dominick Festivities Group for their raffle at their evening entertainment fundraising event
  • Printed the winning cards from the School Christmas card competition and sold the packs in the Shop donating £1 to the School for every pack sold
  • Sponsored the village Christmas tree at a cost of £100