The Shop is run by a dedicated group of local people who all play an essential role in making it a success.
- The Manager
One part-time Manager runs the Shop operation and is the Shop’s only paid employee.
Serena Stevens – Sales Manager
Serena is an experienced grocery shop manager and is responsible for ordering all the stock for the Shop. Listening to the customers needs, working with suppliers to get the right goods at the best prices and organising the layout and display in the Shop are her key responsibilities. In addition, Serena deals with processing invoices, managing the the till & card payment processes as well as other Shop operating procedures. Serena has worked as a Manager for the Shop since July 2021 and previously held the Operations Manager role which has now been amalgamated into her new role.
- The Volunteers
There are over 50 Volunteers drawn from the local community that give up time each week to work in the Shop. They learn all the essential processes & procedures so that they can serve customers, operate the till, and keep the shelves stocked, clean & tidy. Our Homepage cover photo is a picture of about half of our dedicated Volunteer team.
We are always keen to recruit more Volunteers to the team so if you or anyone you know might be interested please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Hayley Edwards on 07972 896329 to discuss further.
- The Board
The Board members are elected each year at Annual General Meetings and are responsible for the proper functioning and performance of the Shop. That means making sure that:
- All legal responsibilities are discharged
- Plans and objectives are set to improve and maintain the successful operation of the Shop
- Financial and other targets are achieved
- Shareholders receive a quarterly report on the Shop’s performance
- A Shareholder Annual General Meeting is organised each year to report on achievements & plans and vote on matters required under the Constitution as a Community Benefit Society.
The current Board members are:
- Pauline Lawrence – Chair and Comms & Marketing
- Sue Morrish – Board Secretary
- Hayley Edwards – Volunteer Coordinator
- Karl Hughes – Premises Manager
- Steve Edwards – Development projects lead
The Shop Treasurer, Graham Wilkins, is invited to every Board to provide information, expert advice & guidance to the Board.