A message to our Community

Our first wishes are, of course, for everyone’s health and wellbeing, and all our priorities right now are on those necessary actions to reduce and prevent the spread of Covid-19 and to support and help those who most need it.
And also, it is important to take the time to appreciate and value the essential and wonderful work of the NHS and other Key Workers and Frontline staff in our Communities to keep us all going.

As a signal of some positivity and optimism, we also want to take the opportunity to let our local Community know that the Steering Group are continuing to work and make progress, where we practically can, on the creation of our Community Shop. At times like this, it brings home even more clearly, the importance of being able to access and use the services of a Shop and that this is right at the heart of how we live together and support one another in our Community.

Whilst we have (quite understandably) temporarily suspended our monthly Steering Group meetings, there are still actions and work underway and we are finding other ways of connecting remotely and virtually to keep the momentum progressing.

Our key areas of activity at present include:
• Finalising the details for the Lease with the Parish Hall Committee
• Planning and preparing for the Utilities connections and Building works
• Applications for further Funding
• Planning the Internal Layout plans for the Shop
• Preparing for welcoming the Shop Volunteers

We will continue to keep you updated on progress, and may even be asking some of you for inputs and help (on a remote basis of course) to assist us over the coming weeks.